Post-Op Instructions for Immediate Dentures
To help you prepare for your Snap-On dentures and ensure that the healing period after your procedure is smooth and comfortable, our dentist and team at High Desert Dental have provided post-operation instructions in Albuquerque, New Mexico. If you have any questions or concerns that are not addressed on this page, please feel free to call our office at 505-888-2606 to learn more and to schedule your visit with Dr. Ozzie Rodas.
Implant Placement Post-Op Care
Please follow your post-op care instructions as closely as possible to help you recover quickly and avoid complications in your healing process following implant placement. We recommend that you:
- Do not rinse your mouth for the rest of the day after your procedure.
- On the day following your procedure, begin rinsing with warm saltwater every two to three hours. (Use ½ teaspoon salt in 8 ounces of water.) Do this for several days. Then rinse after meals and at bedtime for two weeks.
- Use prescribed medications, antibiotics and mouthrinses as directed.
- Use mild pain relievers, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, to relieve discomfort.
- You may begin brushing your teeth the day after your procedure but be sure to avoid the surgical site for several days.
- If a temporary crown was placed, do not bite down until given permission to do so.
- Do not wear your denture or partial denture until given permission to do so.
- You will likely experience some swelling. Apply ice or cold compresses to the side of your face at 15-minute intervals for the first 48 hours. After 48 hours, switch to heat instead and continue applying heat until the swelling diminishes.
- Keep your lips moist with lip balm or petroleum jelly to prevent cracking.
- Do not operate machinery for at least 12 hours following your procedure.
- Do not smoke or use tobacco products — they can cause your implants to fail.
- If the cover screw or healing abutment of your implant falls out, call our office so that we can replace it. Bring the loosened component with you to this appointment.
- If you use oral contraceptives and have been prescribed an antibiotic, use an alternate method of birth control until you have completed your course of antibiotics.
Dentures Post-Op Care
Your dentures may feel awkward at first. Your speech may seem altered, and you may feel that your mouth is too full. As you adjust to wearing your appliance, these problems will subside. Most new dentures require a period of “breaking in” while you adjust to them. This adjustment period varies between patients.
While dental implants are designed to last for a lifetime, they cannot do so unless they receive the same kind of care that your natural teeth would receive. This means maintaining good oral hygiene with daily brushing and flossing as well as receiving regular preventive care from a dental professional to keep your teeth and mouth free from plaque, tartar and disease-causing bacteria.
Your dentures should be checked at least once annually so that they can be adjusted to any changes in your mouth and receive routine maintenance. If you have problems with your dentures, contact our office immediately to make an appointment.
If you have questions or concerns about your post-operative care, please contact our office to speak with a member of our team or schedule a follow-up appointment with our dentist.
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